Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Listening Skills:
The Listening section of TOEFL, which takes about 40-60 minutes, measures your ability to understand spoken English in the academic field in North America. There are 6-9 listening tasks, which include the following:
  •  A minimum of 2 questions between two people, as two students or a student and a teacher, librarian, counselor, etc., followed by questions.
  •   A minimum of 2 lectures, followed by questions.
  •    A minimum of 2 readings, with comments and questions interspersed students, followed by questions.
You will need headphones for this portion of the test. You can adjust the volume during the test. You can also take notes at any time and use your notes to help you answer the questions. Your notes will be destroyed before leaving the examination room.
Each question on the TOEFL iBT Listening section must be answered before it can move to the next question. You are not allowed to return to the previous questions, once you have left a question.

Questions  Types For Listening

TOEFL iBT listening to the questions is divided into three different categories:
  •      Basic comprehension questions
  •       Pragmatic understanding of issues
  •      Connection the question of information

6-7 there are different types of questions, as shown below:
  •   Identify the main idea
  •    Determining the purpose
  • Detailed understanding
  • Attitude determination
  • Involves understanding
  •  Make inferences
  • Connect content

Topics To Listen
Most academic conferences that appear on the TOEFL listening section are in a college freshman. Although the topics may cover a wide range of issues, generally fall into four main categories: arts, life sciences, physical sciences and social sciences.
Art Lectures may include architecture, music, literature, photography, urban planning, craft and industrial design.
Life sciences could include public health, animal communication, conservation biochemistry, medicine, bacteria, nutrition and animal behavior.
Physical science may include climate, geography, topography, environment, pollution, astronomy, optics, physics, technology, mathematics and computer science
Conferences of the social sciences may include anthropology, linguistics, education, history, business, psychology and mass communication.
Listening Strategies
To improve your listening skills, tune the radio and television news, interviews and debates. Listen several academic lectures, conferences, documentaries and educational.
Start a program of systematic improvement of vocabulary to expand your vocabulary. Books such as Barron's essential words for the TOEFL Longman and North Star series, capacity building for the TOEFL iBT are particularly useful.
One of the best TOEFL resources to improve their listening skills Longman is learning to listen, listen to learn by Roni S. Lebauer. Working through this book and tape set, which will collect some valuable strategies for the TOEFL iBT and for life.

Moreover, most of the guides include audio CDs TOEFL, which provide practice in listening exercises. However, if you are weak in this area, you may want to select a guide that includes several CDs and a lot of listening practice. For example, the TOEFL iBT Barron guide comes with 10 CDs, for a reasonable price, and provides great value to the student.

Muhajirin (24212761)
Sumber : http://englishtestprepreview.com/toefl-skills/toefl-listening-skills

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